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Social Effects of Online Communities: Netnography of YouTube Stitching Society

Student: Sorochan Elena

Supervisor: Elena Berdysheva

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Applied Methods of Social Analysis of Markets (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2018

In this research process of change of conditions of emergence and existence of social groups is studied during evolution of society, process of transformation of the social bases for association of people is described. On the example of YouTube stitching society the analysis of the reasons of stable existence of modern online communities is carried out. During the research the organizational structure of the studied community comes to light, the typology of its participants is carried out and also the analysis of structure of interactions between them is made. Moreover, characteristics of conditions of association and useful results of community are submitted. 8 semi-structured interviews and also data obtained during a netnography of 47 YouTube videos of participants of community act as empirical base of this research. Results of the research show that the social effects of community arising in the course of activity can be considered and as result of his activity, and as the reason of his formation. The studied YouTube stitching society is an example of voluntary associations of people which organize themselves on the principles of utilitarian rationality and the individualized usefulness for the participants, which are manifested as their social effects. Internally motivated needs of individuals which desire of satisfaction leads to formation of voluntary association act as living conditions of online community which rallies people for a long time at their interaction mediated by the Internet. From the practical point of view the research will be useful for the people interacting with online communities on the economic basics or planning to create and operate stable communities on the Internet.

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