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Racial Discrimination in the Rental Housing Market

Student: Krapivin Gleb

Faculty: Faculty of Economic Sciences

Educational Programme: Joint HSE-NES Undergraduate Program in Economics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2018

The phenomenon of racial discrimination in the rental housing market has a crucial impact on the development of the society and acts as an indicator of the level of tolerance, safety and economic standards of living of a given municipality and a city as a whole. On the example of Moscow, Russia and a rental-ad aggregator cian.ru this paper analyses the features, that are related to racial discrimination on the apartment level - price of the flat, rent duration, distance to the nearest subway station, distance to center and other objective characteristics. After having carried out a field study, exploring the influence of the discrimination on the price, we check that on the municipality level discrimination is mostly correlated with the price of the apartment, \textit{i.e.} the more expensive the rent in the area is, the lower the share of discrimination we are going to observe, as well as the differences in the behavioral patterns of the landlords and the particular agencies in the different-income municipalities and varying rent duration.

Full text (added May 26, 2018)

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