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  • Student Theses
  • Magneto-Optical and Electrophysical Properties of Heterojunctions Ferromagnetic/Material with Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction

Magneto-Optical and Electrophysical Properties of Heterojunctions Ferromagnetic/Material with Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction

Student: Penkina Polina

Supervisor: Anatoly Zvezdin

Faculty: Faculty of Physics

Educational Programme: Physics (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2019

The purpose of this work was to study the magneto-optical and electrophysical properties of the magnetic nanostructures ferromagnet / material with strong spin-orbit interaction. Nanostructures of this type are promising for creating various spintronic devices that are highly energy efficient. The dependences of the transversal magneto-optical Kerr effect (TMOKE) on the external magnetic field for W/Py/Ta and Bi₂Se₃/Py/Ta nanostructures were obtained. The influence of the geometry of Py-containing structures on the TMOKE and their magnetic anisotropy was investigated. The dependence of TMOKE on the angle of incidence of light was calculated using RCWA (rigorous coupled waves analysis). Optical excitation of the spin current and its detection due to the inverse spin Hall effect were demonstrated. The contributions of the Inverse Spin Hall effect and the Anomalous Nernst effect to the optically induced voltage were estimated. It was shown that the optically induced voltage depends linearly on the magnetization; it also increases with increasing of thickness of ferromagnetic layers in the structure, due to increasing of the temperature gradient. The estimation of increasing of damping parameter in the structure due to inducing of spin current was carried out.

Full text (added June 7, 2019)

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