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Town Twinning in the USSR and the GDR as an Example of Soviet - German Cultural Diplomacy (1958 - mid 1970s)

Student: Zubiuk Elizaveta

Supervisor: Martin Beisswenger

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Educational Programme: History (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2019

The town twinning movement originates from the time of the Second World War and exists to the present day. This study explores the mechanisms of partner interactions on the example of several regions of the USSR and the GDR. Based on reports of regional executive committees, correspondence of the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries with the Soviet embassy in the GDR, the Society of German-Soviet Friendship and the World Federation of United Cities, the institutional establishment of twin towns relations are analyzed. Also, key ideological foundations of twinning are identified and methods and techniques for their implementation are described. The study concludes that although cooperation plans were usually made between central mass organizations, their implementation fell entirely on the shoulders of executives from the regions. In addition to symbolic celebrations and events, the participants of the twinning exchange took part in municipal construction and agriculture. However, these labor activities did not have any significant effect on the regional economy. Similary, so-called socialist competitions between exchange partners were only an ideological attribute in building socialism in East Germany without practical significance. Participants in change programs paid more attention to joint cultural events, concerts, excursions and correspondence between residents.

Full text (added May 13, 2019)

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