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The Novel of S. Lipkin "Decade"; the Fate of Eastern Culture in the Soviet Culture and Historical Context

Student: Valieva Albina

Supervisor: Konstantin M. Polivanov

Faculty: Institute of Education

Educational Programme: Contemporary Philology in Literature Instruction at Secondary Schools (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2020

Semyon Lipkin is a Russian poet, known as a translator of Eastern poetry, primarily from Tatar and Kyrgyz. He dedicated his work to the revival and development of the literary heritage of many peoples. Lipkin knew not only the languages from which he translated, but also well versed in the life and culture of these peoples. Also in Soviet times, he turned to the forbidden topic-Stalin's resettlement of peoples. One of the most "closed" topics is gaining relevance in our time. The purpose of the research work is to determine how the culture and historical fate of the Eastern peoples is depicted in the story "Decade" in the Soviet cultural and historical context. Research tasks: 1) to study the life and work of Semyon Lipkin, the story "Decade", the history of the deportation of the Caucasian peoples; 2) follow How S. Lipkin interprets Eastern themes, images, and motives in the story; 3) find out whose names are hidden under fictitious names of peoples, and who are the prototypes of the heroes of the story; 4) analyze how the "Decade" depicts the historical reality of the Soviet time and the fate of Eastern culture; 5) describe the state cultural policy of the 1930s-early 1950s. An in-depth study of this topic and a detailed analysis of the "Decade" can become the basis for further research on the topic of deportation of North Caucasian peoples.

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