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From Sufi Arabic-Turkic Literature of the Volga Region: the Case of ʿAlı̄ Čukuri

Student: Khamzina Elvira

Supervisor: Alexey Muraviev

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: Asian Studies (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 10

Year of Graduation: 2020

The present work is devoted to the study of manuscripts of the famous Bashkir Sufi poet and theologian of the XIX century Muhammad Ali Chukuri. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the treatise “The Gem of the Righteous” in Arabic and the poem “Munajat Ali” in the Turks. The author describes the process of penetration of Sufism into the territory of modern Republics Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, the reasons for spreading of ideas of the Sufi orders (Yasaviyya and Naqshbandiyya), their influence on the literature of the region, the socio-political situation that prevailed in the Russian Empire at that time and its impact on all spheres of life of Muslim society, as well as a biography of Ali Chukuri and his views. The uniqueness of this research lies in the fact that after the Soviets seized power, many manuscripts were destroyed, therefore, most of the works of Sufis have not yet been interpreted. That is why the Sufi manuscripts of the Bashkir theologian Ali Chukuri will be gathered and translated. The research focuses on the reasons for the using of the Arabic language by Ali Chukuri, and the role of lexical borrowings from Arabic, because the merit of the Ali is the fact that he wrote in three languages: Arabic, Farsi and Turks, which was facilitated by the linguistic situation in the region in the XIX century . As a result of the study, it was revealed that, using the Arabic language, Ali Chukuri managed to saturate his works with sacred meaning, explain Sufi terminology, and moreover stylistically decorate his speech.

Full text (added May 14, 2020)

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