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Research of Personal Growth of the Protagonist of the Series "Breaking Bad" in Terms of Psychoanalysis

Student: Khan Irina

Supervisor: Andrey V. Rossokhin

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2020

The purpose of the research is to reveal the true motives of the actions and decisions of the protagonist of the popular TV show "Breaking Bad" after he entered the criminal path in terms of psychoanalysis; analyze the impact of trauma on the personal development of the character. The theoretical part provides a literary review of the works of well-known classical psychoanalysts regarding trauma and its consequences for personal development, the empirical part turning points of the hero’s personality development are examined in detail, the possible causes of such manifestations that are independent of the psychological trauma are also identified. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the ability to use this case as a model when working with criminals, prisoners, as well as in psychoanalytic psychotherapy of people who have undergone serious personality changes subsequently psychological trauma. Research hypothesis: it is assumed that the life circumstances that the protagonist of the series faced were only a catalyst for changing the pattern of his behavior, in fact, the negative traits that he demonstrated throughout the series were laid in the character initially, and the disease became only an incentive to release the true essence of the hero. As a result, it was determined that in this particular case, trauma really turned out to be only one of the few turning points that contributed to changes in the character’s personality, which, in turn, were initially embedded in the individual’s mind. Thus, the initial hypothesis was fully confirmed, which can also be partially considered when working with trauma in a narcissistic personality

Full text (added May 30, 2020)

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