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Anhedonia Phenomenon of Middle-Aged Women

Student: Bakhmetyeva Elena

Supervisor: Alexander Evdokimenko

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Final Grade: 10

Year of Graduation: 2020

The master's thesis “The Phenomenon of Anhedonia in Middle-aged Women,” was carried out with the goal of determining the nature of the relationship between achievements, the depreciation in anhedonia, the joys and pleasures of life, and the personality structure at which stage the personal trauma occurred. Both theoretical and empirical tasks were posed: Theoretical tasks are: 1. Conduct a literature review for symptoms of anhedonia 2. To study materials for the diagnosis of personality types and the manifestations of symptoms of anhedonia in them 3. To analyze the literature on the subject of protective mechanisms in the manifestation of symptoms of anhedonia Empirical tasks are: 1. to diagnose respondents anhedonia symptoms 2. to develop a questionnaire for an individual interview to determine the personality structure and symptoms of anhedonia 3. to explore the nature of the relationship between the personality structure of the leading radical and the symptoms of anhedonia 4. to study the possibility of attributing achievements and success to top managers of women In this work, it has been confirmed the hypothesis that the symptoms of anhedonia are most pronounced during the midlife crisis and are directly correlated with the leading radical of the personality, with the passage of the stages of personality formation.

Full text (added May 31, 2020)

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