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Impact Assessment of Charitable Funds Performance in Russian Healthcare Sector

Student: Bobrova Anna

Supervisor: Liudmila S. Zasimova

Faculty: Faculty of Economic Sciences

Educational Programme: Economics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2021

This research examines the contribution of nongovernment (NGO) organizations in the Russian healthcare being a comprehensive study about performance measurement of such institutions in Russia. I conduct interviews with 11 Charitable Funds representatives and analyze their annual reports to estimate their impact into Russian healthcare system. The study implies QALY method for assessing expected life increase of patients that have received support from nonprofit organizations. The key result of this study is that nonprofit organizations fill in the gap in public health financing by providing additional services to patients in need and facilitating communication between patients and healthcare providers. Thus, they produce significant economic benefits that can be measured in terms of patients’ life expectancy increase and also Quality adjusted life years increase. This work will generate fresh insight into assessing NGO’s performance in terms of financial efficiency and also their impact in social healthcare.

Full text (added April 30, 2021)

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