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Legal Entities as Subjects of Private International Law

Student: Danilov Yaroslav


Faculty: Faculty of Law

Educational Programme: Jurisprudence (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2021

The purpose of this study is to form a clear understanding of the essence of a legal entity as a subject of the INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW, to study the relationship of a legal entity with the state, to develop a complete description of the institute of redomicilation and international companies, to study real cases of redomicilation in Russia and abroad, as well as to compare the institute of redomicilation in Russia with the EU countries. To achieve these goals, the following tasks are set in the work: * Consider the main existing theories of understanding the nature of a legal entity; * Analyze the relationship between a legal entity and the state, including considering the legal region international private law provided by the state to legal entities, as well as studying the criteria for determining the personal law of legal entities; * To study the theoretical basis for understanding a legal entity as a subject of the MCHP, to study the existing approaches in the legal doctrine to the definition of legal entities as subjects of the MCHP, to clearly distinguish this institution; * Study and analyze the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating international companies, special administrative regions, and the institution of redomicilation; * Give a description of international companies, identify their features; * To consider the institution of redomicilation of legal entities, to give its characteristics, to study real cases of redomicilation in Russia, as well as to identify the importance that redomicilation plays for legal entities; * Compare the institute of redomicilation in Russia with the institute of redomicilation in the European Union, considering the European judicial practice; • To identify the features of the Russian institute of redomicilation. This study allowed us to draw several conclusions, to comprehensively study the theoretical and legal basis for understanding a legal entity as a subject of the international private law the theory of understanding the essence of a legal entity and the relationship of legal entities with the state, as well as to give a complete description of international companies, in accordance with the Federal Law on International Companies and scientific doctrine. Moreover, this study allowed us to analyze, study and give a comprehensive description of the redomicilation procedure, considering the essence of redomicilation and its characteristics, considering legal entities as a participant in the SAR, and comparing the basics of the Russian redomicilation with the European one. The novelty of the research lies in the development of new theoretical scientific proposals, in the comprehensive study of the theoretical and legal basis for understanding a legal entity as a subject of the INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW, in the consideration and study of real cases of redomicilation in Russia and abroad, in the development of a comprehensive description of international companies, as well as in the comparison of the institute of redomicilation of Russia with the EU countries and in the development of features of the redomicilation process in Russia. This study will allow us to systematize some of the available knowledge on the chosen topic and will be a logical continuation of the study of legal entities as subjects of INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW. The methodological basis of the work consists of the following scientific methods of cognition: system, formal, logical, method of synthesis and analysis, method of deduction and induction.

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