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Formation of the Hanseatic Tourism Brand of European Cities Through Networking of Stakeholders

Student: Bezhko Daria

Supervisor: Valery E. Gordin

Faculty: St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2021

The aim of the study is to explore how network interaction of stakeholders of European cities form Hanseatic tourism umbrella place brand based on belongingness to historical trade union. The topic of umbrella place brand formation based on common heritage of historical unities lacks research. The study proposes methodology that allows to assess the potential for formation of an umbrella place brand based on cultural and historical heritage and to quantify the network interaction of local stakeholders that influence the formation of such brand. The methodology includes four step semantic and context analysis of social media posts of stakeholders of Hanseatic European cities. Research findings demonstrate that stakeholders form the Hanseatic umbrella brand through their interactions with each other presenting similar perceptions and participating in systematic common or similar activities. Moreover, it was revealed that cultural institutions of European cities are the most influential stakeholders in the formation of Hanseatic brand through their interaction with other groups. That is why, DMOs and other responsible organizations should work with this stakeholder group in the first place, strengthen brand forming network interactions of local stakeholders offline and online and include franchising of systematic events which support brand identity and brand creation in place branding strategy.

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