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Communication Management of Museums and Sponsors in a New Reality

Student: Gofurov Ruslan

Supervisor: Irina Sizova

Faculty: St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2021

ANNOTATION R.A. Gofurov Scientific supervisor: Cand. Sc. (History) Associate Professor I.A. Sizova COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT OF MUSEUMS AND SPONSORS IN A NEW REALITY Insufficient attention was paid to the analysis of the communication management of museums and sponsors in Uzbekistan, during the analysis of scientific literature, not a single study was found on the topic of sponsorship of museums in Uzbekistan. Considering that a large number of museums function in the republic, this topic is relevant and interesting for research. The work examines the scientific works of scientists who have studied museums of the world's leading countries and based on the knowledge gained, an analysis of the museums of the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out. Thus, the main goal of this study is to identify areas that affect the relationship between sponsors and museums in Uzbekistan. To achieve it, the following tasks have been set: 1. Expand the concept of sponsorship in the museum sphere; 2. To reveal the generally accepted methods of interaction between museums and sponsors; 3. Analyze the level of sponsorship of museums in Uzbekistan; 4. Propose a communication strategy between the museum and the sponsor. The object of the research is the museums of Uzbekistan, the subject of the research is the communication of the museums of Uzbekistan and the sponsoring companies. Based on the above data, research questions were formed: 1) Determining the attitude of the public in the person of visitors to museums? 2) Public perception of the social role of sponsoring companies in the museum sector? 3) Changes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and their impact on sponsorship activities? 4) 4) What can motivate better communication between museums and sponsors? This work consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, and a conclusion. The first chapter of the work describes the activities of museums and sponsoring companies. It also reveals the motive of museums and sponsors for joint activities and what advantages this gives to both parties. The third part of the study presents the methodology and results of an empirical study to determine the impact of several elements on the flow of sponsors to museums. Finally, directions will be highlighted that can serve to increase communication between museums and sponsors. The total volume of work is 64 pages, without attachments. The final qualifying work contains 5 tables, 15 illustrations. The list of used literature includes 134 sources. 24.05.2021 Gofurov Ruslan Alisherovich

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