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Digitalization Management in Museums in the Context of Global Digitalization Process Change

Student: Sinitsa Polina

Supervisor: Irina Sizova

Faculty: St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2021

This study aims to identify the role of the impact of digitalization on internal changes in the museum structure. To achieve this goal, the experience of Russian museums in the use of digital products was classified both to ensure the internal work of the museum and to interact with visitors; on the basis of the data obtained, a comprehensive model of the museum’s structure as a digitalized enterprise was developed; and also, the impact of the accelerated ubiquitous digitalization of cultural institutions on their perception by visitors and users both offline and online was revealed. As a result, the links between internal and external digitalization of museums were identified, as well as weaknesses in the internal museum structure, and conclusions on the impact of the restrictive measures related to the Covid-19 pandemic on the digitalization of museums were formulated. The main contributions of this research are: the novelty of the approach to the creation of an integrated museum model and the relevance of the problems set. Key words: museum structure, digitalization, cyberspace, managerial approach.

Full text (added May 24, 2021)

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