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The Formation of Complex Educational Tourism Products

Student: Shamanina Galina

Supervisor: Valery E. Gordin

Faculty: St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2021

Educational tourism remains an important economical factor for the countries where foreign students undertake language trips. With the growth of informational technologies, educational sphere regained new opportunities for development of educational tourism. This study investigates the digital trust theory with the focus on educational tourism products formation through online services offered by language schools. The qualitative method of data collection has been implemented by the usage of websites parsing of 563 language schools in UK, Italy, Germany, Spain and France, which allowed to find the growth rate of online services in language schools during the year of 2020-2021 when pandemic restrictions became a crucial barrier for any type of tourism, including educational. In addition to that, a ‘Secret client’ method was used in order to reveal how the schools that provide online services hybridize them with the offer on educational tourism, so forming the customers’ loyalty towards their services. Educational tourism managers can use the findings from this research to improve their services and enhance the growth of educational tourism. Moreover, the results of the research demonstrate practical implementation of the formats of online services that can be used as an integrational basis in the formation of a complex educational tourism product.

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