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Sexuality and Creativity Correlation

Student: khimich artem

Supervisor: Olga Chekunkova

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2022

What is creativity, and sexuality, are they related to each other and if so, how exactly? The multicomponence and versatility of these phenomena, without in-depth study, do not allow us to draw an unambiguous conclusion about their correlation. There are talented creative people whose suppressed sexuality, being essentially transformed by energy of psychological stress, made them more effective in areas not related to the source of the impulse, but with the transformation of this energy and its direction into processes of a different kind: creativity, professional activity, sports achievements. Does this mean that the suppression of sexuality contributes to the achievement of success? Are people with suppressed sexuality more creative? What about organizations and their leaders, do they differ in a greater or lesser degree of creativity and sexuality in comparison with people who are not holding place in the management of organizations? The work is written in order to find answers to these questions through theoretical and empirical research, comparison of samples as well as through psychoanalytic analysis of respondents' cases. The results of empirical studies support the hypothesis that the leaders of organizations and private entrepreneurs, on average, are more original in matters of creativity and have higher scores on scales describing the components of sexuality. However, the averaged numerical indicators carry only partial information about the respondents. The most effective way of study is the case of a combination of assessment methods in combination with psychodynamic approaches that give the best idea of the personality as a holistic, dynamic structure.

Full text (added May 25, 2022)

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