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  • HSE University
  • Student Theses
  • Improvement of State Financial Control of Budgetary Educational Institutions in the Context of Digitalization of Public Administration

Improvement of State Financial Control of Budgetary Educational Institutions in the Context of Digitalization of Public Administration

Student: Kiamran Aliev

Supervisor: Andrey A. Veiher

Faculty: Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Education Administration (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

ABSTRACT The final qualifying work (master's thesis) is carried out in a research format and has design elements. The purpose of the final qualifying work is to develop a model for improving financial control of budgetary educational institutions. The master's thesis consists of 7 paragraphs and 3 chapters. The first chapter of this final qualifying work examines the basic theoretical concepts, functions of state financial control, and also examines legislation in the field of preventing budget violations. The second chapter of this work is devoted to the analysis of the activities of external bodies of state financial control in the field of identifying budget violations. The third chapter is of a project-recommendatory nature and is aimed at developing a model for improving state financial control of budgetary educational institutions. The result of the work is a formed model for improving state financial control of budgetary educational institutions, based on identified typical cases of budget violations of budgetary educational institutions. The object of the study is the Institute of Financial Control; The subject of the research is directions for improving financial control of budgetary educational institutions; The final qualifying work is completed on 100 pages, accompanied by illustrative material in the form of 8 tables and 13 drawings. Key words: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, FINANCIAL CONTROL, DIGITIZATION, BUDGETARY IIRREGULARITIES

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