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Comparing Sustainability Strategies of the Top Ranking Universities

Student: Kristina Brekhova

Supervisor: Ivan Pavlyutkin

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: International Relations and Global Studies (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

The article by the WRC examines sustainable development strategies in the best universities. This paper focuses on the 11 SDGs (Ensuring cities and communities are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable) and makes a comparison between two regions of the USA (Arizona State University, Michigan State University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and the UK (University of Glasgow, University of Manchester, York University). The goals and objectives include: a discussion of the various strategies of world-renowned universities in realizing the 11 goals of the Organization, briefly described at present. In turn, the research question is: What are the main shifts and differences in the sustainability initiatives adopted by leading UK and US universities in addressing SDG 11? The objectives (hereinafter, conclusions) of the research work were the following aspects: - The relative effectiveness of different universities in different regions is evident in the implementation of the plan for the 11th development goal. In particular, the following indicators were successfully detected: 11.1: By 2030, provide every bracelet with adequate and safe housing; 11.2: By 2030, make public transport accessible and safe, transport systems - convenient for travel and moving, pay special attention to children and the elderly; 11.4: Protection of cultural and natural heritage; 11.6: By 2030, reduce the costs of emissions from megacities (air quality, waste and household waste); 11.7 Access to green areas (parks, forests); 11.8: Promote socio-economic and environmental connections between urban and peri-urban areas through national and regional dialogue. Key findings and results we include: - Data on the implementation of the “new CO2 dump” policy through renewable energy (goals 11.2 and 11.6), open space and green freedom (goals 11.1 and 11.7) with promotion of the goals in student clubs and discussions (targets 11.1 and 11.7). - The similarity between leading universities in the USA and Great Britain is expressed in the regional aspect, where preference is given to cycling over other types of mobility; as well as the Association's research and practice in the field of waste management; reputational promotional campaigns, youth targets and the impact of their attitudes on the development program. - Observations on housing provision have proven that the US is focused on reducing economic costs, while the UK creates a positive emotional connotation; In addition, when expanding problems, US universities focus on the offline format, while British models focus on online solutions. In general, US universities are more practical and rigorous in their implementation of goals, while British universities emphasize emotional response and cultural aspects when working with young people. The methodology is based on a contextual analysis of universities’ strategies, their practices and projects on 11 SDGs (official documents, databases, surveys, news pages, reports). The empirical base includes both primary sources (official documents, publications, memoirs, documentaries and ratings), as well as secondary materials (mono-articles, editorial materials, reports).

Full text (added April 29, 2024)

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