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Water Body as an Object of Private Property Rights

Student: Vorobev Dmitriy


Faculty: School of Law

Educational Programme: Civil Law and Commercial Law (Master)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

This final qualifying thesis is devoted to the study of issues related to the possibility of water bodies being owned by citizens and organizations. Modern civil and water legislation contains extremely undetailed regulation on the topic of this study, and the rules defining the characteristics of water bodies capable of being privately owned are contained in the regulatory and technical documentation half a century ago. This gives rise to a large number of practical and theoretical problems. The author has studied the legal nature of water bodies from the point of view of their location in the system of objects of private law; the criteria that courts apply when resolving the issue of the possibility of finding reservoirs in private property have been studied; The correlation of ownership of water bodies with rights to land plots, according to the location of water bodies, and rights to hydraulic structures on the basis of which these reservoirs were formed was carried out.

Full text (added April 29, 2024)

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