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The Expulsion of a Shareholder from a Limited Liability Company

Student: Grigoreva Polina

Supervisor: Georgy Tsepov

Faculty: School of Law

Educational Programme: Civil Law and Commercial Law (Master)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

The present study aims to identify problems in the legal regulation of excluding a participant from a limited liability company and to develop proposals for their elimination. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated: 1. Study of the concept of termination of participation in a company; 2. Characterization of ways to terminate participation in a company with the determination of the place of excluding a participant among them; 3. Determination of the grounds for excluding a participant from the company; concepts and legal nature of excluding a participant from a limited liability company; 4. Study of practical aspects of excluding a participant from the company. The object of the study is social relations arising in connection with the implementation of one of the ways of terminating participation in the company - excluding a participant. The structure of this research work is determined by its goals and the specified sequence of questions: it includes an introduction, the main content of the work, concluding provisions, and a bibliography. The main part is divided into two chapters, each dedicated to specific aspects of the topic under consideration. The first section is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the mechanism of excluding a participant from a limited liability company as a measure to terminate their participation. It elaborates on the concepts and mechanisms regulating the process of terminating participation, as well as justifications for which a participant may be excluded from the company. The second section covers practical issues related to excluding a participant. Here, a detailed analysis of the procedural characteristics of this procedure is conducted, legal consequences for the participant and the company as a whole are studied, and legal mechanisms for resolving crisis moments arising during this process are discussed. In the concluding part of the research, the results obtained during the study are summarized, conclusions are formulated, and suggestions for improving the existing legislation and its application practice are provided.

Full text (added April 29, 2024)

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