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Development of a Workbook on Experimental Animation for Elementary and Middle School Age Children

Student: Veremeenko Ekaterina

Supervisor: Alexander Lartsev

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Contemporary Design in the Teaching of Fine Arts and Technology at School (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

A series of designed children's learning activities introduces children to the basics of visual expression through simple animation tools and techniques. The predominant goal of the digital long-format course was to keep three things in mind: transparency of the learning process, consideration of the student's personal motivation, and visual instead of textual explanation. It was equally important to provide an opportunity for the teacher to instill initial artistic thinking in the children by explaining concepts at the interface with the children's personal feelings and sensations. The diploma also includes a visual study devoted to the description and analysis of one of the common animation techniques, consisting of a line and a blank background, in order to additionally provide technical recommendations for its use from the perspective of an animation director.

Full text (added May 2, 2024)

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