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Platform for Creative Networking

Student: Evtimyeva Anastasia

Supervisor: Oleg Pasсhenko

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Design (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

Tsekh is a platform specifically designed for creative individuals seeking to find like-minded people, join teams, and bring unique projects to life. The platform actively fosters the formation of a friendly community where participants can freely share their experiences, discover new paths for professional development, and personal growth. The development of the application also involved research analyzing the evolution of subcultures since the late 20th century, covering their historical development and the influence of digital technologies. It includes the study of subcultural trends from ancient times to the present day and examines their transformation in the era of the internet and social networks.

Full text (added May 6, 2024)

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