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A Platform for Sharing Shared Memories for Friends

Student: Dorozhkov Kirill


Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Communication and Digital Design (Master)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

This visual study is part of the final qualifying work "A platform for sharing shared memories for friends", and aims to examine how the concept of friendship has changed and developed throughout history, in order to identify the universal and special features of this phenomenon, which were formed in different eras. An analysis of the historical development of friendship and the mechanisms of its formation will allow us to create a more complete picture of human relationships and the changes that took place in society in different eras. This study will help to better understand the importance of friendship in human life and society as a whole. The paper will consider the key epochs. Some time periods were not taken into account because the concept of friendship did not change in all epochs. Now we believe that friendship has always existed everywhere, taking familiar forms based on our personal experiences, literature and TV series. However, this is far from the case. People didn't always maintain the same kinds of friendships. The various forms of friendship that we are familiar with now have appeared at different times, in different places and in different circumstances. This was usually associated with the development and complication of social relations. For example, in agricultural communities, individuals who were not related by blood rarely had close personal ties. For agriculture, family ties were more than sufficient. However, there is one important feature in the development of the idea of friendship in history. If a certain form of close personal relationships between people appeared and became culturally recognized, then it did not disappear over time. In the process of changing epochs, the contexts of human communication changed, which also contributed to the emergence of new forms and types of friendship, without displacing, at the same time, the old ones that have been developing for centuries and developing taking into account the human need for communication.

Full text (added May 8, 2024)

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