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Features of Transmedia Projects in the Music Industry

Student: Sofiya Baykalova

Supervisor: Artem Prokhorov

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Transmedia Production in Digital Industries (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The author of the project thesis "Features of transmedia projects in the music industry" considers musicians' releases, singles or music albums, from the point of view of their transmedia. In the works of music managers and researchers the term "transmedia" is practically not met, nevertheless the author assumes that the tools of transmedia storytelling can be relevant for the development, creation and promotion of projects in the music industry. The author hypothesizes that today every music release that is developed and released to increase media coverage and profit can be considered a transmedia project, because only by using different types of content and several platforms at once it is possible to realize a successful promotional campaign of a music project. The author aims to identify the criteria that can be used to define a transmedia project, to analyze a successful music project of a Russian artist, implemented using a transmedia approach, to identify the most effective methods of using different platforms and types of content, successful artistic and functional practices. The author chooses Markul's album "Sence of Human" to analyze. The aim of the work is to develop the concept and strategy of promoting own transmedia project in the music industry. In the first chapter the author refers to the works of transmedia theorists, industrial sources, works of music producers and managers, as well as interviews of music industry practitioners: label executives, artists, producers. The first chapter formulated criteria for defining transmedia projects and confirmed the hypothesis that most music releases can be considered from a transmedia perspective. In addition, the first chapter analyzes a successful case study and identifies the most successful approaches and practices for creating and promoting a music project. In the second chapter, the author develops the concept of his own transmedia project in the music industry, as well as the strategy of its promotion, describes its design, technological and marketing characteristics.

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