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Development and Promotion of the Prada Tastes Bitter YouTube Show

Student: Darya Belyakova

Supervisor: Tatiana Magera

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Media Communications (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 10

Year of Graduation: 2024

“Prada tastes bitter” is an entertaining show about fashion, the main distribution platform for which is YouTube video hosting. In the episodes, the presenter, together with the star guest of the show, tries to repeat the image of the star of world shows in low price segments (market, second-hand and mass-market). At the end of each episode, the celebrity guest evaluates the compiled images: the cheapest and most similar image wins. For each episode, the show team selects not just cheap, but unusual and interesting locations and stores. In addition, the show is filmed not only in Moscow, the product shows that you can dress stylishly and inexpensively in any city in Russia. Thus, the first two episodes of the show were filmed in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the future the project plans to expand, filming episodes in other cities of Russia.

Full text (added May 10, 2024)

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