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  • Dynamis of Environmental Protection Coverage in International Alternative and Mainstream Media (on the Example of the Russian and the US Media Outlets)

Dynamis of Environmental Protection Coverage in International Alternative and Mainstream Media (on the Example of the Russian and the US Media Outlets)

Student: Drankeevich Yanina

Supervisor: Oleg Dmitriev

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Contemporary Journalism (Master)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

This thesis looks at how mainstream media in Russia and the United States covers environmental issues, especially climate change. This study investigates the coverage of foreign policies and events, the impact of political narratives, the focus, attitudes towards mitigating climate change, and coverage of six major media organisations: Russia Today (RT), Sputnik, Fox, CNN, The New York Times, and RBK. The results show that political and social elements are given priority in coverage by US and Russian media, with US media placing greater emphasis on political concerns and Russian media concentrating more on global ones. Both have a largely neutral attitude towards initiatives to mitigate climate change, despite having different areas of interest. This reflects a desire for fair reporting and possible political and economic effects. Furthermore, neither country gives much attention to how political narratives and the actions of elites affect the fight against global warming, with Russian media being more critical of political elites. There is, nevertheless, potential for more reporting on international climate agreements and national collaboration. The public's perception of environmental challenges and the formulation of public policy are significantly impacted by these findings. Media sources may help raise awareness of and encourage action on climate change on a national and international level by offering a variety of viewpoints and educating the public through intelligent dialogue.

Full text (added May 10, 2024)

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