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Poetry and Psychoanalysis

Student: Eremina Angelina

Supervisor: Anna Kan

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Abstract to the final qualifying work. Theme: "Poetry and psychoanalysis" The volume of the qualification work is 105 pages. When writing the work 32 sources were used. Keywords: unconscious, psychoanalytic process, literary and poetic process, method of free associations, therapeutic function of poetry. The subject of the research is the therapeutic function of poetry. The therapeutic function of poetry is understood as follows: how the therapeutic effect is achieved through the reader’s unconscious with using psychological mechanisms. The graduate work includes an introduction, two chapters, list of literature, conclusion. The relevance of the work lies in the study of the therapeutic function of poetry, information about it can be used as a helping tool and additional material in working with clients on the role of specific poetic works in their life activities. In the introduction we describe the importance of the chosen topic, the purpose of the research, and hypothesize that the poetic work formalizes the derivatives of the unconscious of the poet and performs a therapeutic function for the reader. In the first chapter of the work, we answer several questions: what is behind the nature of oeuvre and creativity and how it is related to our unconscious, what is common between the literary and poetic process and the psychoanalytic process, and which psychological mechanisms through poetry performs a therapeutic function to the reader. In the second chapter, we have solved the task we have set for ourselves: investigated poetic works and their influence on the reader's inner state of mind by means of interviews with respondents; learned how the method of free associations triggers fantasies, creates images or through symbols helps the reader to look deeper at his/her difficulties; analyzed what psychic mechanisms are included in the process of text/reader interaction. The aim of our research has been achieved. The hypothesis that reading poetic works fulfills a therapeutic function for the reader has found confirmation. The conclusion is devoted to the main conclusions and suggestions.

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