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  • Student Theses
  • Identification of Self-Presentation Strategies Choice Features at Different Status-Role Relations between Partners

Identification of Self-Presentation Strategies Choice Features at Different Status-Role Relations between Partners

Student: Mariana Achkasova

Supervisor: Natalya A. Koryagina

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychology (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

In the modern world, processes related to communication play one of the key roles in human life. It is worth noting that the digital transformation of global space has a strong impact on the significance of such phenomena as self-presentation of personality. For the first time, this phenomenon was described in his works by E. Goffman (Goffman, 1956). He emphasized that self-presentation is an interactive process that changes depending on the goals of communication and the conditions of its implementation. The overall aim of the study is to adapt E. Jones and T. Pittman's (Jones & Pittman, 1982) models of self-presentation strategies as applied to communication in an online environment among partners with status-role differences. It is also important to focus on the fact that status-role relationships of partners are dynamically changing in digitally adapted communication processes. The study found that status-role relationships influence defensive self-presentation strategy but do not influence assertive self-presentation strategy. It was also found that job format did not affect self-presentation strategies, but did affect the defensive self-presentation tactic of apologizing and the assertive self-presentation tactics of bullying and exaggerating one's accomplishments. In addition, the study showed that the combination of factors of status-role position and work format of respondents does not affect the defensive strategy of self-presentation, but moderately affects the assertive strategy of self-presentation. However, the combination of gender and job format influences defensive and assertive self-presentation strategies. In turn, age is not related to defensive and assertive strategies, but is negatively related to negative evaluation of others and to attributing achievements to oneself, and is directly related to example-taking.

Full text (added May 12, 2024)

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