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  • Student Theses
  • Similarities and Differences of Marketing Strategies of Automotive International Companies in Home and Host Countries on the Example of BMW and KIA in Russia and USA

Similarities and Differences of Marketing Strategies of Automotive International Companies in Home and Host Countries on the Example of BMW and KIA in Russia and USA

Student: Ivan Ananiev

Supervisor: Irina Kratko

Faculty: School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Educational Programme: International Business (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This study examines the complex dynamics of international marketing strategies in the automotive industry, with an emphasis on how leading companies adapt standardized approaches to improve global efficiency. The study analyzes the dual strategies used by car manufacturers and emphasizes the need for a hybrid approach that combines the main elements of the brand at the global level and adapts them to the specifics of local markets. The study examines the key aspects of the marketing mix - product, price, location and promotion - and explains how adaptation and standardization can be implemented in different markets to optimize brand compliance and market reaction. The research focuses on the process of making strategic decisions to adapt products to various global markets, where factors such as local consumer behavior, cultural differences and market dynamics require changes in design, characteristics and functionality. The study also examines pricing strategies showing how companies adapt pricing and financial capabilities to local purchasing power and competitive conditions. The study also examines rapid technological advances in the sector, such as the development of electric vehicles, autonomous driving technologies and connected car features that are changing market demand and consumer preferences.

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