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Contemporary Dance Performance Body as a Medium

Student: Volkova Mariya


Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Contemporary Art (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

Being in an eternal attempt to keep control over every aspect of your life, you often want to give up everything and go from the opposite, starting to go with the flow. It is similar to dancing. Children from a very young age are taught to have full control over their bodies, sooner or later they start to want to find a way to unlearn how to own it. The dough is the fruit of people's hard work. It takes a lot of time to obtain this seemingly simple raw material for the oven. The dough originates from the ground being just a small seed and people in ancient Russia endowed the earth with healing power. In the classic folklore tale "Kolobok" the grandfather asks his wife to cook a Bun, which subsequently comes to life and rolls away from them. Vladimir Dahl interprets this tale in such a way that Baba creates the sun, which goes through four stages: winter, spring, summer and autumn, and at the end symbolically dies. The similarity of the two artistic mediums, the body and the dough, lies in their nature of malleability. The body, from its very inception to death, is like a yeast dough that swells and deflates. The project is a performative performance based on the interaction of the body and the dough. Through vivid images of similar mediums, the themes of body identity, female destiny and the search for enlightenment are revealed. The performance itself is based on the principles of contact improvisation as well as on transferring one's own weight outside, shackling the body and copying the plasticity of the dough. This proposal will provide the background information behind the project, examine its professional significance, limitations of the study. Objectives of the project and methods will also be presented along with literature review and detailed explanation of the results.

Full text (added May 13, 2024)

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