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Specific Representations of Eating Behavior in Men with Different Socio-Economic Status

Student: Abramova Tatiana

Supervisor: Anastasia Klimochkina

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychology (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

Due to the lack of a solid empirical and theoretical basis for research on eating behaviors, eating disorders, and factors influencing their development in men, as well as the limited number of studies on the subjective perception of one's eating habits and their characteristics among men, and the increasing interest in socioeconomic status as a factor in eating behaviors in contemporary research, it is essential to conduct a study that explores the specific ideas about eating behaviors among men with different socioeconomic backgrounds. The aim of this study is to identify the unique perceptions of individuals with varying socioeconomic statuses regarding their eating habits. To accomplish this goal, the following objectives have been set: 1. To examine the theoretical constructs of socioeconomic status (SES) and personal perception (PP), and to search for and organize existing concepts. 2. To conduct a comparative analysis of existing theoretical models that explain factors influencing personal perceptions of eating behaviors. 3. Systematization of existing data on PP factors among women and men. 4. An empirical investigation of men's self-perceptions of their PP. 5. A comparison of the subjective importance of family, social, emotional, and personal factors in men's perception. 6. Comparative analysis of research findings with the systematized data from the theoretical analysis. The study involved a sample of participants who completed an online questionnaire, including a questionnaire and the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), as well as an interview. Data collected during the interview was analyzed using thematic analysis techniques.Based on the findings of the study, four main themes were identified that can help to understand the specific patterns of how men perceive their eating behaviors. Men agree on the various factors that influence their eating habits, and many of them have a similar perception of these factors. Additionally, regardless of socioeconomic status, the respondents all see the impact of increased income on eating habits in a similar way. They also largely agree on both the indirect effects of education and direct effects of employment on their eating patterns. Another common factor mentioned by respondents is the influence of family. Interviewees discussed various aspects of family influence on their food choices, but they all agreed that warmth and respectfulness are key features in their subjective perception of this influence.In addition, participants attributed a communicative function to shared meals, and also frequently expressed a positive attitude towards parental attitudes and food rules that existed during childhood. However, participants' subjective perceptions of their eating behavior were not clearly defined. There was a discrepancy in the level of reflection on eating habits, as some participants' assessments of their behavior were diametrically opposed, and their perceptions of nutrition differed. Goal setting, or rather, the significance of having a purpose for nutrition, was also linked to the unique aspects of participants' subjective eating perceptions. There was also a tendency towards intuitive eating, with most participants noting that they ate according to their desires and appetites. Therefore, the results of the research were a response to the research question and a comparative analysis of the findings with the systemization derived from the theoretical analysis.

Full text (added May 13, 2024)

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