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Fan-made Animated Music Video for the Song ‘Dancing On My Own’ by Robyn

Student: Alisa Boksiner

Supervisor: Polina Kampioni

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Design (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This work is researching different ways of portrayal of the theme of doubles/doppelgangers, duality and dualism in music videos of different artists. The aim of the research was to find the main ways and/or means of expression of these three phenomena. The main objective was to analyze different music videos and to find different means of conveyance of the three above mentioned phenomena. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that in my final qualifying work, there are two characters, who were intended to be two copies of each other from different moments in time, meeting; therefore, this visual research helps to understand in which ways this resemblance can be depicted.

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