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Sylvia Plath: Poetry and Artefacts. The Poetry Collection “Ariel”

Student: Ksenia Blinova

Supervisor: Evgeny Grigoriev

Faculty: St Petersburg School of Art and Design

Educational Programme: Design (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

Interpretation is the process of immersing oneself in a text, discovering its hidden meanings and conveying one's own point of view on the work. It allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the work. Poetry is often considered the most challenging form of literature to interpret. This study focuses on the interpretation of poetic texts and the methods used to achieve it. The study aims to identify and analyze the visual interpretation tools used in poetry from the late 19th century to the present. The result is a compiled classification of interpretation tools presented in a printed publication with illustrative sections devoted to various means of interpreting poetry. The theoretical conclusion obtained can be used in further studies of graphic interpretation of poetic texts. It also has practical value for designing poetry collections.

Full text (added May 14, 2024)

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