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Exhibition on the Theme of the Art of Perception Disorder

Student: Polina Bolikova

Supervisor: Diana Machulina

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Contemporary Art (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 10

Year of Graduation: 2024

The study is devoted to distortions of perception — as a reflection of the state of modern man and society in an attempt to cope with it. Based on the fact that art always tends to disrupt the usual perception in different ways, the author chose artists who make mistakes and breakdowns of reality the foundation of their art. The author analyses in what ways artists disrupt human perception, what methods they use to create illusions in their artworks and, finally, why they do it. The purpose of the study is to show disruptions as an opportunity to expand the boundaries of this world, rethink things that are considered wrong and destructive and find a path to personal harmony in disorder and chaos.

Full text (added May 14, 2024)

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