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  • Opportunities to Optimize Export Supplies of Petrochemical Products, Using the Example of SIBUR in the Context of Anti-Russian Sanctions

Opportunities to Optimize Export Supplies of Petrochemical Products, Using the Example of SIBUR in the Context of Anti-Russian Sanctions

Student: Berezniy Aleksandr

Supervisor: Olga V. Biryukova

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: World Economy (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

The current global economic dynamics is characterized by constant changes and challenges, among which anti-Russian sanctions imposed by a number of countries occupy a special place. These measures impose serious restrictions on export operations in various industrial sectors, including the petrochemical industry. The largest enterprises in this sector, such as SIBUR, are at risk of losing market share and competitiveness on the world stage. In the context of the active development of the sanctions policy, the question arises of optimizing the export of petrochemical products, which is becoming an important element of survival and development for Russian companies. In order to successfully adapt to new realities and ensure sustainable functioning in global markets, it is necessary to develop effective optimization strategies and mechanisms that will allow SIBUR to maintain its position and even strengthen it. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of the possibilities of optimizing export supplies of petrochemical products. To do this, it is supposed to analyze the current state of the petrochemical market, identify the main risk factors and limitations, as well as develop and offer practical solutions to optimize the company's export operations. As part of the study, it is planned to examine in detail existing strategies and approaches to the export of petrochemical products, evaluate their effectiveness and identify possible areas for improvement. The experience and practices of other companies operating under sanctions pressure will also be studied and analyzed in order to identify best practices and their application. The main objective of the study is to develop specific recommendations and strategies for SIBUR to optimize the export of petrochemical products under sanctions. It is expected that the results of the work will help the company adapt to the current situation, increase the efficiency of its activities and ensure stable development in the long term. The research methods are based on scientific works by domestic and foreign authors devoted to the organization of exports, optimization of export supplies, digital technologies in the field of logistics, as well as the petrochemical industry. For the analysis and calculation of the economic effect, such methods as regression analysis, mathematical modeling, solving the Monge-Kantorovich problem, linear programming, and simplex solution were used. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the organization of export supplies, petrochemistry in particular. It outlines concepts and provisions related to the organization of export supplies, studies modern technologies in the petrochemical industry, as well as factors affecting the effectiveness of the organization of exports, similarly, in petrochemistry. Digital technologies in the field of logistics and their impact on the processes of supply organization are considered. The second chapter discusses analytical summaries on a given topic. The analysis of trends and development of the petrochemical industry in Russia and in the world is carried out. Additionally, the specifics and features of the factors affecting the cost of export supplies to SIBUR are analyzed. Also, in the second chapter, a regression analysis was carried out to assess the influence of factors. The third chapter demonstrates the calculation part of this WRC. A mathematical model has been developed, opportunities for optimizing and reducing the cost of export supplies within SIBUR have been identified, the economic effect has been calculated, and measures have been developed to implement the optimization concept in SIBUR.

Full text (added May 14, 2024)

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