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The Identity of Jewelry Brand Hindustrial

Student: Dobryakova Anastasiya


Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Design (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

The magic of ancient Egyptian culture persists as an endless source of inspiration for contemporary designers, especially in the field of jewellery. This visual study seeks to explore the enduring attraction to Egyptian symbols, it covers both archaeological artefacts and contemporary jewellery containing Egyptian symbolism in the design. Sometimes modern designers recycle Egyptian motifs, just for inspiration. They try to adapt their work to suit modern buyers. And sometimes jewellery on the contrary try to make as close to the original as possible. For example, in the creation may be used materials most common in ancient Egypt, or a special aging procedure may be carried out. The study is divided into semantic parts in such a way that each section is devoted to one of the Egyptian symbols. At the beginning we are familiarised with the symbolism of each symbol, as well as learn its history, cultural and religious value, various known variants of its appearance, be it legends, myths or confirmed facts. The reader is then invited to examine artefacts that have been found that used a particular symbol or group of symbols in their creation. These may be various pieces of jewellery, amulets, items of clothing, reliefs, paintings and other objects. This is followed by an opportunity to familiarise oneself with the interpretation of these symbols by modern jewellery designers. It should be noted that a large number of Egyptian symbols are often used in combination with other symbols. This may depend on the purpose of the object on which the signs are located, their compatibility with each other and the essence of the statement of their creator. Therefore, on some of the objects in this study, both on artefacts and on modern jewellery, several symbols of interest may be found at once. The author of this study chose this topic, as the theme of the VKR is the creation of a jewellery brand. In the course of the visual research it was possible to collect a lot of important information about jewellery and how cultural and historical features can be recycled in its creation. Based on the information gathered, it will be possible to better design your own brand. Thus, people still wear jewellery with Egyptian symbols on them. Given the peculiarities of the creation of these signs, the conditions of their creation and the materials from which they were made, they acquire a special character, which is formed into a whole style. Today, people can wear jewellery with these symbols not only because of their meaning, but also simply because of their interesting shapes and attractive appearance.

Full text (added May 14, 2024)

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