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Marketing strategy of Sbermarket (Nizhny Novgorod): development of strategic marketing solutions

Student: Bekker Natal`ya

Supervisor: Anastasia Lukina

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Marketing Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

During an economic crisis, it is especially important not to lose sight of the importance of researching and understanding the target audience for businesses specializing in the sale of consumer goods. One of the main goals of any commercial organization is to increase profits. The modern method of achieving this goal is to focus on the customer as part of strategic planning. Focusing on the consumer when managing business processes is considered an important element of the successful functioning of an enterprise. Almost all companies conduct strategic marketing analysis of their target audience to varying degrees, although research can be organized on an intuitive level. However, all market participants collect information about promising trends, consumer behavior and preferences. The importance of deep and relevant research on target segments to an organization's success cannot be underestimated. Decisions to improve efficiency cannot be based on intuition alone. According to statistics, most new products do not achieve market success due to errors in implementation, thus they do not survive the “birth phase”. Thus, the topic under consideration is very relevant in modern conditions. During our study, measures were taken to solve the problems. We thoroughly studied the theoretical basis of strategic marketing and summarized the theoretical principles of the STP strategy, analyzed the necessary tools for implementing this three-stage approach. Further, considering the tasks of analyzing the STP strategy for the SberMarket brand, we described the key results of the analysis of the internal and external environment of the e-groccery market and studied consumer behavior. Studying the STP strategy for the SberMarket brand became a necessity, due not only to interest, but also to the relevance of the problem. We moved to the segmentation stage, focusing on the brand's audience. It was found that the brand's target audience is quite vague and broad, which leads to difficulties in targeting and positioning. Our work is not finished, as understanding the company's existing shortcomings opens up opportunities for development. The next key step is to perform a market analysis, which includes both quantitative consumer research. As a result of the analysis of marketing data, recommendations were formulated for the strategic use of the STP method to attract the target audience to the SberMarket food delivery service. This research made it possible to successfully solve the problems and achieve the set goal, namely the development of an effective strategy for attracting consumers to the company’s product.

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