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  • Student Theses
  • Business Process Re-engineering to Improve the Economic Efficiency of Projects in the Consulting Activities of the Company's B2B Business Line

Business Process Re-engineering to Improve the Economic Efficiency of Projects in the Consulting Activities of the Company's B2B Business Line

Student: Bobkov Kirill

Supervisor: Alexander Osharin

Faculty: Faculty of Economics

Educational Programme: Business Analytics in Economics and Management (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

In a rapidly changing market environment, the study of business processes and their optimisation are key aspects of modern enterprise management. Especially in the B2B field, for example, in consulting companies, it is necessary not only to react promptly to changes in the market environment, but also to constantly improve their business processes in order to increase their efficiency. Such changes lead to the strengthening of companies' position in the market and increase its competitiveness. Due to the high level of technology development, the market environment is constantly changing - customers' needs change, companies react to these needs and create new competitive solutions, which is facilitated by the increasing level of technology. In order to maintain or improve their position in the market, companies need to respond quickly to emerging trends and improve their manufacturing processes. The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyse the company's existing processes in order to identify inefficient ones. Opportunities will then be selected to optimise them in order to improve the cost effectiveness of these processes. The subject of the study is a business process from the group of the main business processes of the company's activities, due to which time and labour resources of production are inefficiently consumed, resulting in losses.

Full text (added May 16, 2024)

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