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The Role of the Japan-U.S. Alliance in Shaping Japan's National Security Policy (2013-2023)

Student: Vorobeva Darya

Supervisor: Vladimir Igorevich Batyuk

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: International Relations (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

Japan began to actively develop its national security policy in 2013 after conflicts with neighboring countries escalated. Against the backdrop of China's rapidly growing military power, Japan was concerned that it could provoke an escalation of the territorial conflict over the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands. And also the DPRK, which continued to test its military arsenal and provoke Japan, creating an unstable situation in the region. At that time, the country issued a National Security Strategy, where it spelled out the main threats and expressed its concerns about the situation with its neighbors. The neighboring countries were not going to stop and make contact with the Japanese government to create a favorable and safe situation in the region. Therefore, a new version of this document was released in 2022, where Japan clearly outlined its new policy to build up its defense arsenal to be able to ensure its national security in the event of an attack. An integral part of Japan's national security policy is the Japan-U.S. alliance, in which it actively cooperates with its priority partner, the United States. The relations of these countries were initially not equal due to the specifics of their formation. After the end of World War II, Japan was a losing country, which had to give up the use and creation of military forces. The United States of America was the winner and offered Japan its help and acted as a guarantor of security for the country. From the beginning, Japan was heavily dependent on the U.S. forces. Japan's increased defense capabilities could change the balance of power in the alliance, which could cause discord between countries and the alliance could cease to exist. However, the alliance with the United States is the cornerstone of stability and security not only for Japan but also for the entire Asia-Pacific region. Japan's national security cannot exist without U.S. assistance and support, and thus the alliance will continue to exist regardless of changes in Japan's defense policy. Japan also cooperates with the U.S. in such areas as economy, trade, and new technologies. If there is a rift in the U.S.-Japan alliance, it will cause problems for other areas of cooperation as well.

Full text (added May 15, 2024)

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