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  • HSE University
  • Student Theses
  • Development of a Descriptive Analytics Model for Managing Sales Operational Performance of a Large Telecom Company Using a BI Application

Development of a Descriptive Analytics Model for Managing Sales Operational Performance of a Large Telecom Company Using a BI Application

Student: Gavristova Anastasia

Supervisor: Sergey Bruskin

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Business Informatics: Digital Enterprise and Information Systems Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This study offers an approach to improve operational performance management and support data-driven decision-making culture. The goal of the work is to develop a descriptive analytics model to support the management of operational efficiency of sales activities using a Business Intelligence solution on the example of a telecommunications company. The object of the study is a Russian telecommunications company. The subject of the study is the process of managing the sales activities of a telecom organization and approaches to its improvement. As part of the study, the following tasks were completed: 1. An analysis of models for managing the operational efficiency of an enterprise was carried out; 2. The tools for managing the operational efficiency of sales activities in the telecommunications sector have been studied; 3. The current process of analyzing operational efficiency in the organization was studied and the business need to implement a solution using a BI application was identified; 4. A business problem was formulated and detailed requirements for an IT solution were developed; 5. A methodology for forming a descriptive analytics model has been developed; 6. The target solution architecture was designed; 7. A descriptive analytics model has been developed with a view to support management decisions on the operational efficiency of the company’s sales activities; 8. The scenario of using the analytical model for decision making was tested; 9. Business effects from the development and implementation of a descriptive analytics model were assessed. The developed descriptive analytics model increased the availability of reporting, the data quality and the level of confidence of business users in the obtained indicators, data security, the productivity of reporting in the organization, and also made it possible to unify and systematize approaches to the analysis of operational efficiency through a unified methodology for calculating indicators. The volume and structure of the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and 5 appendices. The main text contains 78 pages, including 7 tables and 29 figures.

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