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  • Student Theses
  • The Role of Institutional Environment in the Development of Startups in South-East Asian Countries (the Example of Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand)

The Role of Institutional Environment in the Development of Startups in South-East Asian Countries (the Example of Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand)

Student: Vetrova Laura

Supervisor: Anna Alexeevna Panova

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: World Economy (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Southeast Asia is a dynamic region that is attractive in terms of starting and doing business. One of the factors explaining this is the institutional environment. The paper examined the theoretical aspects of institutional environment factors, entrepreneurship, and the current state of startups and their development factors in three largest economies in the region: Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand - whose institutional environments differ. In the practical part of the paper, regression analysis was used to identify the extent to which specific formal and informal institutional environment factors such as regulation, corruption, protection of property rights, culture, religion and colonial past influence the development of entrepreneurship in the countries studied.

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