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  • Student Theses
  • Creation of a Non-Government Organization – The Latin American Chamber of Commerce In The Russian Federation — CCLAR

Creation of a Non-Government Organization – The Latin American Chamber of Commerce In The Russian Federation — CCLAR

Student: Garcia martinez zurita Domingo

Supervisor: Sergei Shaposhnikov

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Master's Programme International Management (Master)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

This master thesis details the development and strategic implementation of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce in the Russian Federation (CCLAR). Given the burgeoning trade relationships and increasing economic interactions between Latin America and Russia, the establishment of CCLAR aims to bolster commerce and cultural ties, provide support and guidance to Latin American businesses entering the Russian market, and vice versa. The thesis is structured into three pivotal chapters, each addressing different facets of the chamber's establishment. The first chapter provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth research into the current landscape of Latin American and Russian trade relations. It examines the evolution of trade, identifying growth trends and key sectors involved, alongside opportunities for further economic engagement. Moreover, the chapter evaluates the operations, activities, and structures of existing chambers of commerce within Russia, drawing comparisons and deriving actionable insights for CCLAR's formulation. The second chapter outlines a detailed business plan, delineating the structural setup, planned activities, and financial projections for CCLAR. This section is pivotal as it discusses the alignment with various Latin American embassies, strategies for engaging Latin American companies, and methods for raising awareness about the chamber. A detailed financial model is presented, including subscription options, anticipated costs, and a forecast of cash flow and tax implications. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and both short-term and long-term objectives are set to evaluate the chamber's success and guide its future trajectory. Finally, the third chapter focuses on operational aspects. It covers the practical steps necessary for establishing CCLAR as a legal entity in Russia, such as the creation of a distinctive website, logo, and the recruitment of members. It details the operational processes, from bank account setup to organizing events, which are essential for the chamber's day-to-day functioning and growth. The thesis concludes with a synthesis of findings and recommendations, highlighting the potential impacts of CCLAR on enhancing the economic exchanges between Latin America and Russia, and setting a strategic roadmap for sustained growth and influence in international trade relations.

Full text (added May 15, 2024)

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