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The Effect of Changes in Energy Mix on Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

Student: Margarita Bostanchian

Supervisor: Igor A. Makarov

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: World Economy (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Combustion of fossil fuel sources leads to greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and, consequently, to climate change. To cut greenhouse gas emissions, countries need to reduce the consumption of carbon-intensive energy sources, especially coal, and switch to less carbon-intensive sources. Undoubtedly, this climate agenda affects the formation and development of the country's energy balance. By implementing a decarbonization policy, countries can not only switch to renewable energy sources that have a minimal carbon footprint, but also switch from coal to natural gas, which will also significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In this paper, an index decomposition analysis (IDA) is conducted to compare the impact of both elements of the strategy on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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