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  • Student Theses
  • Analysis of Measures to Support Youth Entrepreneurship Entities within the Framework of the National Project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative

Analysis of Measures to Support Youth Entrepreneurship Entities within the Framework of the National Project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative

Student: Ekaterina Vavilova

Supervisor: Pavel Sergeevich Sorokin

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Public Administration (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

These days development of country’s economy depends on the support for youth entrepreneurship much more than in the last decade. One of the most noticeable metrics for this statement is the amount of young enterpreneurs. During 2023 the share of young entrepreneurs achieved more than 27%. It happened due to National project «Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative» that was realising from 2019. Increasing number of small and medium-sized businesses rose for 160% during this period and reached 6.3 million. Attention to youth entrepreneurship has increased, and support programs for young entrepreneurs have appeared. Although legally the concept of «youth entrepreneurship» is not fixed, the state actively supports this initiative. Thus, the analysis of support measures will identify problems and improve programs for young entrepreneurs, increasing the effectiveness of government policy in this area. This work thoroughly analyzes support for youth entrepreneurship, analyzes foreign experience and all measures to support the national project in the Russian Federation in the aspect of supporting youth entrepreneurship. Based on a literature review, an analysis of the national project and a survey of young entrepreneurs, it is proposed to introduce a separate federal project for young entrepreneurs. Keywords: youth entrepreneurship, government measures to support young entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses

Full text (added May 15, 2024)

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