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Developing a Customer Lifetime Value Management Programme in Company X

Student: Prokof`ev Dmitrij

Supervisor: Olga Konstantinovna Oyner

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Retail Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

In a saturated retail market, a key aspect of successful operations is the ability to not only attract new customers but also retain existing ones. Customer lifetime value (LTV) plays a crucial role as it allows retailers to maximize profits from long-term customer relationships. This paper focuses on the development of an LTV management program at Company X, one of the major retail chains in Russia. The program aims to integrate personalized marketing techniques as well as to improve customer interaction strategies through various communication channels. The paper analyzes current LTV management strategies and identifies the main problems and challenges faced by retailers in the context of LTV management. Based on the analysis, the development of a management program is proposed that includes segmentation of the customer base, optimization of customer pathways and the use of Big Data and machine learning to predict customer behavior and optimize marketing campaigns. As a result of the proposed program, it is expected to increase the LTV of customers by increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction, and strengthen the retail network of X stores in the market. This study can serve as a basis for implementing an effective customer lifetime value management program in retail chains.

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