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Determinants of Pricing in the Market of Market and Concessional Project Financing

Student: Vichentievich Katarina

Supervisor: Natalia V. Gorelaya

Faculty: Faculty of Economic Sciences

Educational Programme: Financial Markets and Financial Institutions (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Project financing is one of the priority forms of infrastructure project implementation in the Russian Federation. This form is used for construction/reconstruction of energy, oil and gas, municipal labor and other facilities. Large-scale, capital-intensive investment projects imply specialized approaches to project structuring and implementation under conditions of limited financial resources and their cost. In this regard, the issue of pricing of credit products for a long time is in the field of view of both Russian and foreign scientists-economists. The purpose of the paper is to assess the environmental factors (determinants) of pricing of credit products, concessional and market-based project financing. The presented work provides an overview of conceptual aspects of pricing of credit products in the market of preferential and market project financing with the substantiation of scientific novelty research. The work contains a review of determinants of pricing in the market of concessional and market-based project finance on the basis of practical implementation using econometric apparatus. Also, the work contains formed recommendations on the work of stakeholders in the framework of project financing for purposes taking into account the work of the organization of the pricing of credit products.

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