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  • Student Theses
  • The Improvement of Customer Experience in Offline and Online Retail Based on the Example of the Russian Fashion Brand "12 STOREEZ"

The Improvement of Customer Experience in Offline and Online Retail Based on the Example of the Russian Fashion Brand "12 STOREEZ"

Student: Aver`yanova Anfisa

Supervisor: Irina Skorobogatykh

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Retail Management (Master)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

This work is devoted to the topical theme of developing the customer experience of the Russian fashion brand 12 STOREEZ in the context of an omnichannel environment that combines online and offline channels of interaction with customers. The work aims to comprehensively study the theoretical and practical aspects of forming customer experience (CX), which contributes to strengthening the emotional connection with the brand, increasing customer loyalty, and ensuring the company's long-term success in a highly competitive market. The main objective of the research is to develop recommendations for improving the customer experience of the 12 STOREEZ brand based on an analysis of the theoretical aspects of CX, studying the specifics of the Russian fashion market, and empirical research of the customer experience of the brand's clients in the online and offline environment. To achieve this goal, the author sets a number of tasks, including examining the concept of customer experience and its components, characterizing the process of formation and methods of managing CX, identifying features of the formation of customer experience in the offline and online environment, analyzing the Russian fashion market and the competitive position of the 12 STOREEZ brand, as well as developing recommendations for the development of the brand's CX in online and offline retail. The methodological basis of the research consists of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, as well as special methods such as consumer surveys, in-depth interviews with a company representative, and competitive analysis. The scientific novelty of the research lies in proposing an interpretation of the concept of "customer experience" in relation to the fashion industry, identifying the features of the customer experience of 12 STOREEZ brand clients, determining the key gaps and development zones of the brand's CX in online and offline channels, as well as developing recommendations for improving the brand's customer experience, taking into account the specifics of the behavior and preferences of Russian consumers. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, and appendices. The first chapter examines the theoretical foundations of the role of customer experience in the formation of consumer loyalty in a modern company. The second chapter is devoted to a marketing analysis of the Russian fashion market and the competitive position of the 12 STOREEZ brand. In the third chapter, recommendations are formulated for the development of the brand's customer experience in offline and online retail based on the identified gaps and development zones of CX.

Full text (added May 15, 2024)

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