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  • Student Theses
  • Application of Digital Innovative Strategies for National Development in Anti-crisis Management of the Republic of Korea from 2000 to 2021. Using the Example of the Car Manufacturing Industry

Application of Digital Innovative Strategies for National Development in Anti-crisis Management of the Republic of Korea from 2000 to 2021. Using the Example of the Car Manufacturing Industry

Student: Velikorodnyaya Darya


Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: Asian Studies (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

The purpose of the thesis is to study the role of digital innovation in crisis management in the Republic of Korea using the example of companies in the automotive sector. To achieve this goal, the following research tasks were completed: the concept of crisis management, as well as its actors, goals, methods and implementation tools, was considered; the features of digital innovation as an anti-crisis management tool are analyzed; analyzed the automobile market of the Republic of Korea and how its automobile companies react to crises; The role of digital innovation in crisis management of companies in the automotive sector has been studied.To conduct the research, a complex of general scientific methods was used, mainly used in qualitative analysis of the media and periodicals, also including analysis of sources relevant to the research topic, generalization, deduction and induction in the analysis of government strategies of the Republic of Korea and automobile companies. At different stages of the research, methods such as content analysis, case method, and historical analysis were also used.The first chapter consists of the theoretical basis of anti-crisis management, the concept of its transformation in the digital era, its actualization, as well as issues of the formation of special anti-crisis tools in modern realities. The third chapter of the work is devoted to the study of a case related to crisis management methods in the Republic of Korea. Keywords: digital transformation, automotive industry, crisis management, digital economy, innovation, digital ecosystem.

Full text (added May 15, 2024)

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