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Determinants of Wages in the IT Industry

Student: Akoemov Aleksandr

Supervisor: Elena Vakulenko

Faculty: Faculty of Economic Sciences

Educational Programme: Economic Analysis (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This master's thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of the determinants of salaries in the IT industry. The research is based on data from Stack Overflow's Annual Developer Surveys conducted from 2018 to 2022. The study focuses on the impact of education, professional experience, country of residence, and organizational size on the salary levels of IT professionals. The Mincer wage equation is employed to assess the contribution of human capital to professionals' incomes. Findings indicate that higher education and professional experience significantly influence salaries, highlighting the importance of these factors in developing personnel management strategies and compensation policies. Additionally, the study reveals the impact of a country's macroeconomic conditions on salary levels, which is crucial for global companies when formulating employee compensation strategies. The thesis offers recommendations for IT companies on optimizing reward systems and talent management practices.

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