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LTD Lab Industries' Shauma Brand Loyalty Programme: the External Enviroment Analysis

Student: Svyatova Kseniya

Supervisor: Olga Konstantinovna Oyner

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Marketing Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

With the increasing competition in the market of cosmetic products, loyalty program becomes a key tool to attract and retain customers. Within the framework of this paper, the purpose of the study is to close the need for an effective loyalty program for the SHAUMA brand of Lab Industries, taking into account the specifics of the brand and the availability of an accumulated database of consumers to increase consumer engagement, as well as to improve their experience of interaction with the cosmetic brand and increase loyalty. The problematic of the study is the lack of loyalty program in the shampoo brand under study, which entails ineffective use of customer database and lack of personalized communication, which consequently leads to missed opportunities in attracting new customers and retaining current customers. The study consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of references. The first chapter “Theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of consumer loyalty to the brand” reveals the concept and essence of consumer loyalty, systematizes its factors and components, and reviews the actual metrics for its measurement. The second chapter “Consumer loyalty level analysis” is devoted to analytical review of the Russian shampoo market as a whole, identifying the specifics of competitive companies, as well as assessing consumer loyalty of the brand SHAUMA itself. In the third chapter “Optimization of consumer loyalty program for the brand SHAUMA” the review of consumer loyalty programs of the largest companies in the segment under study is carried out, on the basis of which a list of recommendations for the development of consumer loyalty management program for the brand SHAUMA is developed. The conclusion summarizes the results of the research conducted within the framework of the graduate qualification work, formulates conclusions and proposals of theoretical and practical nature. The sources of the research are Russian and foreign thematic electronic resources, books and scientific articles. Keywords: loyalty program, external environment analysis, customer retention, customer attraction, cosmetic brand.

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