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  • Non-State Actors in Integration in the Post-Soviet Space by the Example of Business Participation in Institutionalization Processes under the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Non-State Actors in Integration in the Post-Soviet Space by the Example of Business Participation in Institutionalization Processes under the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

Student: Aksenov Maksim

Supervisor: Timofey Bordachev

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: International Relations: European and Asian Studies (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The relevance of the topic is due to the increasing uncertainty and complexity in international relations, making it particularly important for the Russian Federation to sustainably develop comprehensive economic ties with its closest partners, represented by the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The novelty of the research is linked to the hypothesis of active and mandatory involvement of non-state business actors in integration processes, providing evidence for the thesis that full integration is impossible without the interaction of supranational actors with non-state actors. The research problem is related to identifying key factors and mechanisms for institutionalizing the business community in the processes of Eurasian economic integration at a supranational level. Research question: Does interest exist among state and supranational actors within the EAEU integration in involving businesses as non-state actors in institutional dynamics? Research object: Integration processes in the Eurasian space. Research subject: Formats and mechanisms of business participation in the institutional dynamics of Eurasian integration through interactions with supranational bodies. The aim of this study is to investigate the institutional involvement of the business community in the processes of developing Eurasian economic integration by reflecting their priorities in decisions and activities of supranational bodies. Structure: The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, nine sections, conclusion, list of sources and literature. The first chapter explores theoretical issues of integration processes in the context of regional integration, with particular attention to problems related to the role of non-state actors in integration processes. The second chapter analyzes the dynamics of disintegration and integration processes in the post-Soviet space after the end of the Cold War. The third chapter focuses on studying the strategic goals, tasks, and institutions of the EAEU. The main research results have been validated in two scientific articles published in leading peer-reviewed journals on Eurasian economic integration and international multilateral cooperation: 1) Mikhnevich S.V., Aksenov M.A. The place of Eurasian business in the development processes of Eurasian economic integration. / S.V. Mikhnevich, M.A. Aksenov // Eurasian Integration: Economics, Law, Politics. 2024; 18 (1): 140-152. https://doi.org/10.22394/2073-2929-2024-01-140-152; 2) Mikhnevich S.V., Aksenov M.A. Theory and practice of Eurasian integration (Review of the textbook "Eurasian Economic Integration") // Bulletin of International Organizations. 2024. Vol. 19. No. 1. (in Russian). Conclusion: The concept of international integration is multidimensional, determined by both the main stimuli underlying these processes and the spheres affected by integration processes. Decisions regarding participation or non-participation in these processes are conjunctural politically motivated steps. The key beneficiary is business, contributing to strengthening the subjectivity of states and the purposeful supranational bodies they have formed, as well as inclusive institutions.

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